Invisible Rainbow: A history of EMFs and health

The Invisible Rainbow: EMF and HealthI finally managed to read Arthur Firstenberg’s book, The Invisible Rainbow.

The well-documented book chronicles the multitude of effects of everything from the first telegraph lines and electric lighting to modern day wireless systems. The data is plentiful and the effects are… well, not very good.

But I found myself with more questions than answers..

For example, why did 5 children get cancer at 1 school in Spain after the first digital cellular tower was turned on? What about the other schools or hospitals with antennae next to them? They were all over the world!

At the same time, it’s hard to discount the stories as just, “correlation does not equal causation”. At this point, there’s simply too much data out there to ignore it or try to explain it away.

If you’re looking for answers or solutions, this book doesn’t have any. What it does have is a fascinating look at the LONG history of the negative effects of various types of EMFs on human, plant, and animal life – over literally hundreds of years.


Can Shungite protect you from EMFs?

Does Shungite absorb 5G?Shungite is a stone that many people use to protect themselves from EMFs such as WiFi, 5G, and so on. But does it really work?

Well, it turns out that most of the information available on the internet appears to be dead wrong!

I do a few simple tests in this video to show that no, shungite does not appear to absorb EMFs – it reflects or partially blocks them only when it’s directly between the antenna and your body.

Well, okay, but there are still tons of people who swear by it! What’s going on here?

Should you keep using your shungite?


Can aluminum foil protect you from your phone?

Tin Foil your Phone!There are quite a few smartphone cases, Faraday bags, and other little gizmos out there that claim to protect you from the phones RF waves.

A common method that people use is to line one (or both) sides of their phone case with good old aluminum foil.

So, the question is: Does tin foiling your phone really work? How much? And where exactly should you put the foil?

Watch to find out!


FCC + FDA on 5G: You gotta be kidding me…

FCC + FDA on 5GThe FCC recently announced that when it comes to 5G, there’s nothing to worry about.

They consulted with the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health and other experts, and everything is awesome!

Except, it’s not.

Join me for another exciting look at the insanity that passes for EMF “safety” science these days!


My results using the Q-Link – YMMV

Q-Link ResultsWell, the results are in: I’m keeping my Q-Link!

While nothing really happened at first, I did actually notice certain improvements when using this crazy thing.

I still can’t explain how it works, or if it’s just the placebo effect. But, whatever it’s doing, it’s doing it well… at least for me and several other people I know!

For an intro, see my first vid on the Q-Link and various studies and tests done with it.


EMF Protection: These Q-Link things actually work?!

Q-Link works?!Many people have asked me about the Q-Link and other similar gizmos.

You’re supposed to simply wear them, and they strengthen your body via “resonance” such that you are even protected from the negative effects of all kinds of EMF.

Well, I used to think that was nuts… Until my doctor friend said she loves hers!

So, I decided to take another look. It had been almost 20 years since I first decided they were just snake oil. Plus, I suppose with age comes the knowledge that we’re not always as smart as we think we are.

It turns out that the result of using these things is actually rather interesting…


What you can do about 5G, WiFi, etc.

In my last vid, 5G is just the tip of the iceberg, I talked about a bunch of recent studies showing that all this crazy wireless stuff is having negative effects on our health.

Naturally, the question on everyone’s mind is: What can we do about it?!

Well, minimizing your exposure is probably a wise idea. There are all kinds of fun ways you can do that.

And second, you should speak your mind. Share on social media, talk to your friends and family, show them the studies, sign petitions…

Ya know: Don’t assume that you are powerless!


Left the WiFi on again? Not any more!

I’m not a big fan of WiFi, but I do use it from time to time.

It’s just convenient to use for some gizmos where an ethernet dongle is not supported.

Trouble is, I kept forgetting to turn off my WiFi router when I was done.

And then – two days later – I would discover I was still bombarding myself with magic 5 GHz death rays.

Not any more!!
