Watch me on TikTok!

Scottie on TikTokWell, I’ve finally done it:

I created a TikTok account!

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

Stay tuned as well for new long-form videos, and quite possibly other new and exciting content, merch, and God knows what else…

All that and more, coming soon!!!

How did this EVER work?!

The one thing no coder will ever tell you...What’s the one thing no coder wants to talk about?

Chances are, you know a few coders. They’re everywhere these days!

What you might not know is that most of them have experienced something, well, unexplained: code that works, but shouldn’t. At all.

It’s just part of many programmers’ lives. But what’s really going on here?

How is it that something that never should have worked in the first place works perfectly – sometimes, for years?!


Is your DNA an EMF antenna?

DNA is a Fractal Antenna?!There are hundreds and hundreds of studies showing that our wireless wonderland of EMF is not good for our health.

But you might ask: Well, HOW?

When we say “EMF”, we’re talking about many different types of electromagnetic waves, different frequencies, different power levels, and so on.

How could it possibly work?!

It turns out that the answer may very well be in our DNA!


AI’s Fatal Flaw

AIs Fatal Flaw: The REAL Danger of Artifical IntelligenceAI is all the rage.

But with the recent Gemini disaster along with a lack of truly killer applications using AI, it doesn’t seem like AI is really going anywhere.

So, is it all just hype, or what?

Join me for a look at the real danger presented by AI.

Hint: It ain’t SkyNet you need to be worried about!


Zap away stress and anxiety with this tech

Zap away stress and anxiety with Vagus Nerve Stimulation!Technology is everywhere these days. Most of the time, it makes life easier.

But instant and constant access to so much information, such as the latest news and world events, can also lead to high stress levels, anxiety, and eventually poor health.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use technology to reduce your stress and anxiety instead of constantly increasing it?

Well guess what? You can!
