17 September 2019 | Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Video |
One year ago, I advised against getting a 4G dumbphone with KaiOS. I am officially reversing that recommendation!
After purchasing a Nokia 8110 4G and playing with it for 1 month, I’m actually pretty speechless, and that IS rare.
Despite Google’s investment of $22 million in KaiOS over 1 year ago, Google’s services remain “add-ons”. IOW, KaiOS has NOT become Android Lite.
KaiOS is KaiOS, and there’s some Googley stuff on the phone that you can either use, or not. Better yet, you can block the Google apps from doing much of anything.
3 September 2019 | Do-It-Yourself, Networking, Video |
So you’ve read all the studies about our Wireless Wonderland, and you’d like to go wired.
But where to even start?
It turns out that wiring up your house or apartment with ethernet cables and switches is WAAAAY easier than most people think.
It’s literally a plug-n-play kind of thing.
There are a few things to keep in mind though before purchasing gigabit ethernet switches and Cat 7 ethernet cable…
20 August 2019 | Do-It-Yourself, Video |
One day, you flip a light switch and notice a lovely popping sound. The pop might even be accompanied by a brief blue flash of light from within the switch.
What’s going on here?
Well, it turns out that even if the current rating of the switch has NOT been exceeded, you may have a problem related to inrush current due to the use of fluorescent and especially LED light fixtures…
6 August 2019 | Do-It-Yourself, Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Video |
They’re known as power bricks, wall warts, AC Adapters, AC-DC Converters, and probably 10 other names – and they power many of the gizmos you use every day.
But what happens when a gizmo stops working right?
You may think it’s the gizmo itself, but very often it’s the power brick.
It may look complicated, but it’s actually pretty straightforward to get a universal power brick and set it up to breathe new life into your techie toy.
23 July 2019 | How Does it Work?, Networking, Video |
Hacking, data breaches, and general cyber battles have been in the news a lot lately.
I recently read a book that shed a lot of light on how these things actually work – behind the scenes.
It’s called Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber Warfare.
Despite our Hollywood-fueled ideas about hacking, the practical reality is waaay different…
In short: It’s complicated!
9 July 2019 | How Does it Work?, Video |
Well, the results are in: I’m keeping my Q-Link!
While nothing really happened at first, I did actually notice certain improvements when using this crazy thing.
I still can’t explain how it works, or if it’s just the placebo effect. But, whatever it’s doing, it’s doing it well… at least for me and several other people I know!
For an intro, see my first vid on the Q-Link and various studies and tests done with it.
25 June 2019 | Computers, Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Video |
Until now, apps were for smartphones and tablets. But that’s all about to change with PWAs: Progressive Web Apps!
PWAs are a new(ish) type of app that is web-based.
In other words, PWAs are literally web sites + JavaScript encapsulated in a window on whatever gizmo you want to install them on.
That means you can use the same app on your phone, tablet, desktop, or laptop – whether you use Windows, linux, or Mac.
Progressive Web Apps also work differently than normal apps, making them a bit more secure and privacy-oriented than traditional native apps.
So, what are these things and how do they work?
11 June 2019 | Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Networking, Video |
It seems there are some common misconceptions out there about what 5G actually is and how it will work.
I wasn’t planning on another 5G video, but alas…
Much of this confusion is totally understandable since info is hard to come by despite the fact that 5G and IoT is the talk of the town!
Near the end I also toss in a few recent news stories related to troubles that 5G is causing or will cause.
You’d think they’d check this stuff out first BEFORE spending all that money… But then you remember that this is Planet Earth in 2019.
28 May 2019 | Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Video |
Many people have asked me about the Q-Link and other similar gizmos.
You’re supposed to simply wear them, and they strengthen your body via “resonance” such that you are even protected from the negative effects of all kinds of EMF.
Well, I used to think that was nuts… Until my doctor friend said she loves hers!
So, I decided to take another look. It had been almost 20 years since I first decided they were just snake oil. Plus, I suppose with age comes the knowledge that we’re not always as smart as we think we are.
It turns out that the result of using these things is actually rather interesting…
14 May 2019 | Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Networking, Video |
There’s a lot happening on the 5G front.
From petitions, to cities temporarily halting their 5G rollout, to senate hearings, to nation-wide days of protest, things have been pretty busy!
In this video, I talk about one particular petition that I think summarizes everything quite nicely.
I also flesh out some details and connect some dots to show just how ridiculous the whole charade really is!
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