How to fix “VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found” the right way

VCRUNTIME140_1.dll FixitWell, this is a fun one.

One day, you go to run some application. Instead of loading like normal, you get this weird error stating that code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found.

The error message may have a slightly different name, but VCRUNTIME gives us a clue as to how to fix it – and fast!

Let’s take a peek…


Windows STILL won’t update? Try THIS!

Windows STILL won't update??These days, updating Windows is like playing Russian Roulette.

Microsoft keeps breaking things, and I have to continually figure out how to fix them.

I recently had ANOTHER problem with Windows Update.

After trying everything, this is the solution that finally worked for me!

Don’t worry: they’ll break it again soon enough!


How to remove Intel VMD without reinstalling Windows

Turn off VMD and get faster boot times!If you have an 11th generation or newer Intel processor, your system might be using Intel VMD.

VMD, or Volume Management Device, is a server-ish bit of technology where your processor more or less “hijacks” the management of NVMe disk drives in your puter.

When VMD is enabled, you MUST use Intel’s RST drivers – even just to do a clean install of Windows 11.

Well, what happens if you got your puter and it’s using VMD, but you want to remove it?



Stop recent videos from showing on your lock screen

What's that video player doing on my lockscreen?So, this one is fun. All of a sudden, when you lock your puter, the “currently playing” video appears with playback controls on the lock screen.

Now, this might be a useful feature, except that in many cases it’s rather broken.

Both Chrome and Firefox on my puter will show the most recently played video on my lock screen – not one I’m currently watching.

This is pretty annoying because A) I don’t watch vids when my puter is locked and B) I don’t need the rest of the world to see what I’ve watched recently.

Fortunately, you can turn it off!


The biggest tech company you’ve never heard of

TSMC: The most important tech company in the worldWe all know about Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and so on.

But there’s one tech company that’s utterly massive in its importance to the entire industry, and no one is talking about it.

Well, to be precise, no one is talking about what MIGHT happen should the current,um, global mayhem go one step too far…

Join me as I take a look at TSMC: the biggest tech company you’ve never heard of!


10 tips to speed up your PC

Speed up your puter with these 10 easy tips!Who doesn’t want a faster PC?

Well, it’s easier than you think.

Most of the time, the way we use our puters is what slows them down.

By making a few minor adjustments to how you work, you can get the most bang from your existing PC – without forking over bucks for a new one!
