13 August 2019 | Computers |
You may have read my 2013 post entitled How to Easily Resize Images in Windows.
Thanks to a comment from a reader the other day (you rock, Nick!), you don’t need Windows Live Photo Gallery anymore.
There’s a free tool available from a Microsoft engineer that you can grab and make your life WAAAY easier.
You can even resize multiple images at once anywhere on your puter – in just a few clicks and without firing up any application!
18 June 2019 | Computers |
Another new version of Windows 10!
A new update to Windows 10 was released a few weeks back, and this time the roll-out seemed to be way smoother than the last version – which is nice.
I got the update fairly quickly this time around, which almost never happens.
The update went off without a hitch. Naturally, I immediately started poking around to see what changed.
Well, not much… But as usual, there are a few things to re-tweak!
15 January 2019 | Computers |
Regular readers are aware that I have been doing battle with re-activating Windows 10 after performing numerous major upgrades on various puters.
I had another opportunity recently to upgrade yet another machine… This time, the entire computer was replaced – except the graphics card and power supply.
Once again, I was confronted with an activation error after the upgrade.
Out of desperation, I tried something crazy… and it WORKED!
1 January 2019 | Computers |
It’s that time again!
A new update to Windows 10 was re-released a few weeks back, and it appears that it’s FINALLY rolling out to end users.
You may have heard that this update was the October 2018 update. It was, but then there were “a few problems” like people’s files disappearing.
I finally got the update on my desktop and lappy, and I’m happy to report zero problems.
It seems this bad boy is finally ready for prime time. So, what’s new in the features and privacy departments??
27 December 2018 | Networking |
Way back in early 2009, I wrote a post entitled: How to Determine the Master Browser in a Windows Workgroup
Since then, quite a number of people have downloaded and used my little LANscanner program for displaying the IP addies, MAC addies, workgroup, and Master Browser of all the gizmos on their local network.
One problem: With the release of Windows 10 1709, it stopped working.
Well, I’m happy to announce the release of LANscanner v2.0!
13 November 2018 | Computers |
Oh for the love of Pete…
Yes, I ran into even more Windows 10 activation issues recently.
I didn’t even do anything wrong.
This time, it was a spontaneous message that my Win 10 Pro on my main desktop puter was not activated – just, well, because…
It turns out this was a known bug that MS has supposedly fixed.
Yes, I’m afraid I’ve had it…
16 October 2018 | Computers |
Another Windows 10 upgrade is here: the Windows 10 October 2018 update.
For those of us using WSL, or “Linux on Windows”, that means potential mayhem.
When the last Win 10 upgrade version was released, I installed it. I then discovered that my Ubuntu icon no longer loaded anything – except a Bash window with an error message that Ubuntu on Windows was no longer installed!
Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to fix!
21 August 2018 | Computers |
A little over a month ago, I had the opportunity to upgrade a whole slew of Win 10 machines.
Back then, I wrote this article: Reactivating Windows 10 after a second major hardware upgrade
Now, I thought I had everything figured out in terms of re-activing Win 10 after a hardware upgrade.
However, it seems things have changed in even more ways than I thought.
SIGH (again)…
7 August 2018 | Computers |
If you’re running Ubuntu or another linux shell in Windows 10 via WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), you’ve probably wondered about using cron.
Cron is super-handy for doing things, like, running a backup.
You see, as useful as WSL is, it stores all the linuxy files in a way that is not exactly easily backup-able by File History or anything else… as far as I can tell.
Worse yet, even when you try to set up a cron job to run a backup, it doesn’t work!
What to do, what to do?
24 July 2018 | Computers |
So this is a fun one!
You have a file on your desktop. It can be anything: PDF, Word Doc, text file, whatever.
You try to delete it.
Instead of going into the Recycle Bin, you just get the “deleting” dialog box with the progress bar, and then…
Nothing happens! YAY!
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