Fun 5G Facts you may not know

It seems there are some common misconceptions out there about what 5G actually is and how it will work.

I wasn’t planning on another 5G video, but alas…

Much of this confusion is totally understandable since info is hard to come by despite the fact that 5G and IoT is the talk of the town!

Near the end I also toss in a few recent news stories related to troubles that 5G is causing or will cause.

You’d think they’d check this stuff out first BEFORE spending all that money… But then you remember that this is Planet Earth in 2019.


How to debug JavaScript on mobile devices

Mobile JS DebuggingAh yes, the Mobile Revolution!

It’s fabulous – unless you actually create web sites and other stuff that use JavaScript.

In desktop web browsers, you generally get a web inspector / debug console that lets you do all kinds of fun stuff, including debugging your JS code.

But on mobile, well, no such luck.

In fact, most mobile browsers give you absolutely nothing! Fortunately, there’s a neat trick that fixes everything.


EMF Protection: These Q-Link things actually work?!

Q-Link works?!Many people have asked me about the Q-Link and other similar gizmos.

You’re supposed to simply wear them, and they strengthen your body via “resonance” such that you are even protected from the negative effects of all kinds of EMF.

Well, I used to think that was nuts… Until my doctor friend said she loves hers!

So, I decided to take another look. It had been almost 20 years since I first decided they were just snake oil. Plus, I suppose with age comes the knowledge that we’re not always as smart as we think we are.

It turns out that the result of using these things is actually rather interesting…


5G rollout runs into roadblocks – Detour ahead?

Stop 5G!There’s a lot happening on the 5G front.

From petitions, to cities temporarily halting their 5G rollout, to senate hearings, to nation-wide days of protest, things have been pretty busy!

In this video, I talk about one particular petition that I think summarizes everything quite nicely.

I also flesh out some details and connect some dots to show just how ridiculous the whole charade really is!


Another reason to skip WiFi and go Full Ethernet

These days, WiFi is everywhere. Even your washing machine probably has it. 😉

I typically don’t recommend using WiFi due to the huge amount of evidence indicating that it’s probably not the best thing for your health.

But there’s another reason to go back to cables…

WiFi is quite often WAAAY slower than most people think. In fact, it’s very rare that you will get anywhere near the maximum speeds advertised when you buy a WiFi access point or router.

What to do, what to do?


Just how BIG is Big Data? Some fun internet facts

Ah, the internet… It’s big. Really, really BIG.

We don’t often think about these things, but just how much storage space is needed for the internet to go?

What kind of power is needed to make Google googley?

How on earth does YouTube store and process all that crazy video data?

Join Cletus and me for a look at some fun facts and statistics about YouTube, Google, and the internet as a whole!


Big Data, spying, & 5G pushers: Who are THEY??

We hear a lot of about “THEY”. Big data violates our privacy, new potentially dangerous tech like 5G is pushed by “them”, and so on.

But just who is this “they“, anyway?

It turns out, the answer is: It’s complicated!

The best place to look is the big data/spying nonsense. The real history of the internet gives a pretty good idea of just how it all works.

When you lump greedy CEOs together with power-hungry (and often paranoid) politicians, and then toss in some Tech Evangelists for good measure, you get exactly what we have today…


GPS vs Smartphones: Which is better?

These days, everyone just uses their smartphone for GPS navigation.

GPS is also present in most cars.

In the olden days, we had dedicated GPS gizmos for navigating. You can still grab a GPS-only device these days – and for fewer bucks than you might think.

But is it worth it to have a dedicated GPS?

It turns that yes, it is… For quite a few reasons, actually, not the least of which is simple privacy.


Just how EVIL is Chinese tech?

We hear a lot these days about China and the E-vils of their techie toys.

Obviously, there is also a lot of political nonsense going on here given China’s economic rise on the world stage. But how bad are Chinese toys – really?

I mean, everything is Made in China anyway, right?

Join Cletus and I for a fascinating look behind the tech curtain! Iron curtain? Red curtain? Some kind of curtain!
