SHORT: Make your color prints POP!

Print color is off? No problem!
When you need a color printout, it’s nice when the colors on paper look the same as those on your screen. Most of the time, however, that’s not the case. Fortunately, there’s a quick trick you can use to get MUCH better print colors – and it only takes a few seconds!


SHORT: FIX Windows Update!

Windows STILL won't update??

These days, updating Windows is like playing Russian Roulette. Microsoft keeps breaking things, and we have to figure out how to fix them, over and over. When you’ve finally had enough and nothing is working for you, try THIS! Not to worry: Microsoft will break it again soon, I’m sure!


What the heck is an ELECTRET?

What on earth is an Electret?!Everyone knows what a magnet is. But have you ever heard of an electret?

Yeah, me neither!

In fact, there’s an entire branch of science/engineering that gets very little attention these days – outside of very specific applications that like 3 people know about.

Join me for a look into the amazing world of electrostatics!
