How to update KeePass plugins automatically

KeePass Auto-Updates!Let’s say you’re using KeePass with the KeePassOTP plugin because you read my earlier article Two-Factor Authentication without SMS or a smartphone: PART 2!

Well, aren’t you clever! 😉

The problem comes when KeePass informs you that there’s an update available for the KeePassOTP plugin…

How do you update it?!

Easy: You just repeat the installation procedure that I outlined in the above article.

But… There’s a better way!! Of course.


Why PayPal is telling you about the DigiCert Global Root G2 Chain

PayPal DigiCert Root Certificate G2 MessageIf you have a PayPal account – and especially if you’re selling anything and getting paid via PayPal – then you’ve no doubt received a strange e-mail (or ten) recently.

In short, you’re supposed to add the DigiCert Global Root G2 Chain to your “trusted store”.

Bad things will happen if you don’t!

More stuff to fix, right? Not so fast…

What’s really going on here?


How to stop Windows apps from running at startup

Windows Startup AppsYou’ve tried everything: Task Manager, Startup Apps in Settings, even uninstalling some applications…

Nevertheless, that pesky app is still firing up every time you restart your Windows puter.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an EASY way to see all your startup apps and disable them in a few clicks?

There is! And it’s made by none other than Microsoft


Zap away stress and anxiety with this tech

Zap away stress and anxiety with Vagus Nerve Stimulation!Technology is everywhere these days. Most of the time, it makes life easier.

But instant and constant access to so much information, such as the latest news and world events, can also lead to high stress levels, anxiety, and eventually poor health.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use technology to reduce your stress and anxiety instead of constantly increasing it?

Well guess what? You can!


SHORT: No more choppy video in VLC

VLC choppy video fix
VLC media player will play just about any audio or video file you throw at it. Version 3 supports hardware acceleration so that it SHOULD play even hi-res vids smoothly. But when you try to play a 4K (2160p) video, the playback stutters and is basically unwatchable. What gives??


SHORT: Make your color prints POP!

Print color is off? No problem!
When you need a color printout, it’s nice when the colors on paper look the same as those on your screen. Most of the time, however, that’s not the case. Fortunately, there’s a quick trick you can use to get MUCH better print colors – and it only takes a few seconds!


SHORT: FIX Windows Update!

Windows STILL won't update??

These days, updating Windows is like playing Russian Roulette. Microsoft keeps breaking things, and we have to figure out how to fix them, over and over. When you’ve finally had enough and nothing is working for you, try THIS! Not to worry: Microsoft will break it again soon, I’m sure!
