You’re using your A/C WRONG!

You're using your A/C WRONG!!Common wisdom dictates that you’re supposed to use your air conditioning in a certain way.

Let it warm up during the day or when you’re not at home. If you’re really hot, turn it way, WAY down and it’ll magically cool faster!

How you use your A/C depends on who you listen to…  And on that front, you probably want to listen to the people who design, install, and maintain A/C.

Because while scientific theories are great, practical realities back down here on Earth are better!


Missing subtitles in VLC? Solve it with a few clicks!

VLC Automatic SubtitlesWhen I watch a movie on my NVIDIA SHIELD TV, the Kodi media player conveniently lets me download subtitles from if the file doesn’t have any.

It’s pretty handy!

But then when I want to watch that same file in VLC media player on my laptop, well… No subtitles!

What to do, what to do?

It turns out VLC has your subtitle needs covered, and you probably didn’t even know it…


Phishing Scams and how to protect yourself

Avoid Phishing ScamsEven if you don’t know the term ‘phishing scam’, chances are you’ve already been targeted by many of them.

A phishing scam is when someone uses a genuine-looking e-mail, login page, SMS, or whatever to fool you into giving up personal data – like logins, passwords, card and banking info, etc.

They often involve some kind of ‘hook’ that makes you worried or scared. When that happens, you stop thinking and fall into the trap.

But these scams are very easy to avoid with a bit of extra attention. I’ll show an example of a phishing scam I received recently and then take it apart piece by piece so that next time, you’ll know exactly what to look for to protect yourself!


Are you wasting your internet speed?

How WiFi and slow Ethernet can waste your internet speedMost people probably don’t even notice the actual speed of their internet connection. If it ‘goes fast’, they’re happy.

What many folks don’t realize is that they may be wasting a large chunk of their very high speed net connection.

If you use even newer flavors of WiFi, chances are you aren’t taking full advantage of the connection you’re paying for! Heck, even with Ethernet, your download speeds may be lower than you think.

So, how do you tell?


FLoC and the future of Internet Privacy

FLoC is bad for privacyWhen it comes to privacy on the internet, the new word on the street is ‘FLoC’.

Led by Google, a group of businesses and advertisers is pushing a new standard that would have your browser identifying your particular group of interests by a unique ID number.

This number will be sent to all sites you visit. VOILA! No more 3rd party cookies, and supposedly more privacy!

Of course, there’s the marketing mumbo jumbo and then there’s the reality of the situation.

So: What is FLoC? How does it work? And most importantly: Will it improve your privacy??


Why do microwave ovens use 2.4 GHz like WiFi and Bluetooth?

Why Microwave Ovens use 2.4 GHzMicrowave ovens that you use to cook food operate at a frequency of  2.45 GHz.

This is the same radio band where one finds WiFi, Bluetooth, and so on.

So, why is everything lumped into this one chunk of the frequency spectrum? Is there something particularly magical about 2.4 GHz?

It turns out that there is a common misconception about this frequency and water.

The truth, however, is far more mundane…


Blockchain and Cryptos explained for Non-Techies

Understanding cryptos for Non-TechiesCryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are all the rage these days.

All we hear is how Bitcoin has smashed another record high, cryptos are the future, don’t miss this train, etc.

The question is: How do you know what you’re getting yourself into? Many people are talking of using their stimulus check to buy into Bitcoin, for example.

While there is a lot of talk about blockchains and cryptos, actual simple explanations of what they are and how they work are hard to come by.

How do you understand this stuff WITHOUT getting lost in a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo?

Well, it’s really not that complicated in the end…


Fluorescent to LED conversion made easy!

Most lighting these days uses LEDs. They’re super-low power, provide good light, and last a long time.

But you probably still have some fluorescent lights left.

If you’re like most people, you haven’t quite gotten around to replacing them with LED tubes. You really should replace them though since LED tubes use much less power than fluorescent ones.

The trouble is, it’s complicated. There many types of fluorescent fixtures and rewiring is often required.

So, how do you make it as easy as possible?


Deep Freezers use WAY less energy than you think

How much power do Deep Freezers actually use?Given the state of the world, you could be forgiven for planning ahead with things like back-up power and a method of preserving food.

Deep freezers – or chest freezers – are great for storing large amounts of food for a long time.

But how much juice do they really use?

If you’re running on the back-up power of a generator, for example, will the deep freezer suck too much electricity?

It turns out the answer will surprise you!


Which CPU is best? Hold on to your hats!

Best CPU December 20202020 has been a crap year all around, but the battle of the fastest processor has been pretty interesting.

AMD is rising, Intel seems to be falling, and Apple recently switched to their own home-grown ARM-based chips.

So, which is best? Which CPU is the fastest?

As usual, it’s complicated…

Going forward, let’s just say that 2021 will be an even more interesting year as the battle heats up and consumers get more speed, lower power consumption, and even lower prices!
