Two-Factor Authentication without SMS or a smartphone: PART TWO!

KeePass 2FA Rocks!Back in November of 2020, I wrote an article entitled Two-Factor Authentication without SMS or a smartphone.

In those days, 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) wasn’t terribly popular. Today, it’s everywhere!

I also recommended using Authy for Windows, which is a desktop version of the popular smartphone 2FA app.

So, problem solved, right? NO! Authy just announced they’re canceling their desktop Windows app. 🙁

What the heck are we supposed to do now?!


Zap away stress and anxiety with this tech

Zap away stress and anxiety with Vagus Nerve Stimulation!Technology is everywhere these days. Most of the time, it makes life easier.

But instant and constant access to so much information, such as the latest news and world events, can also lead to high stress levels, anxiety, and eventually poor health.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use technology to reduce your stress and anxiety instead of constantly increasing it?

Well guess what? You can!


The Best JavaScript Debounce Function in the Universe

If you code in JavaScript, you should know all about debouncing functions.

When an event listener such as a window ‘resize’ fires, sometimes it will fire 72,000 times per second. That means your callback function is also firing 72,000 times in a row, bogging down the browser.

This isn’t as much of a problem as it used to be, but debouncing is still needed and should still be used.

So what’s the best way to debounce/throttle in JavaScript?


SHORT: Why we still NEED oil

Can we just ditch fossil fuels?
These days, it’s all about the GREEN! Green energy, renewables, low carbon footprint, etc. While that all sounds nice, what would actually happen if we just ditched fossil fuels – coal, oil, and gas – overnight? It turns out it’s WAY more scary than you might think…


Replace a failed drive in a software RAID on linux

Fix Broken RAIDSoftware RAID is great, especially for servers. While you can use RAID for increased speed, most people use RAID mirroring so that all data is written to two identical disks.

If one disk fails, your server stays up because the 2nd drive still works. But what happens when a drive fails?

The replacement process obviously requires your hosting company to the replace the drive.

But both before and after the physical drive replacement, you’ve got some work to do!
