Why PayPal is telling you about the DigiCert Global Root G2 Chain

PayPal DigiCert Root Certificate G2 MessageIf you have a PayPal account – and especially if you’re selling anything and getting paid via PayPal – then you’ve no doubt received a strange e-mail (or ten) recently.

In short, you’re supposed to add the DigiCert Global Root G2 Chain to your “trusted store”.

Bad things will happen if you don’t!

More stuff to fix, right? Not so fast…

What’s really going on here?


Fix stunnel “Bad magic at ssl.c” error / crash on Ubuntu

stunnel bad magic ssl.cUbuntu server 18.04 LTS is a rather popular linux OS for servers.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t come without its problems. For example, the current version of stunnel – an SSL tunnel – is woefully outdated.

It seems that although Canonical is aware of the problem, they have no intention of fixing it!

Fortunately, there’s an easy workaround that’s much simpler than you might think…


What you need to know about Online Security

There are a few things you need to understand about staying safe and secure online. You need to realize what you’re actually up against.

But don’t fret, because it’s really not a big deal if you always keep in mind how things usually work.

For example, e-mail is never really safe, HTTPS doesn’t really always keep your connection secure, you can be tracked online very easily despite what most people will tell you, and you should always use some kind of anti-virus/malware protection no matter what OS you use.

And remember that the OS you use makes very little difference if you’ve taken some basic precautions… In fact, thinking you’re safe because you use Not Windows is probably a bad idea!


WordPress and SSL: How to convert your WP site to use HTTPS

WordPress SSLEveryone seems to be moving towards using “SSL” (which is actually TLS) so that entire sites load with the HTTPS protocol.

In some cases, this is a rather simple affair. But if you have a WordPress-powered site, it’s a bit more complicated than one would expect.

After all, WordPress is supposed to make everything easy, right?

Well, no.

So, here’s a list of tricks to make your WordPress SSL Conversion go as smoothly and quickly as possible!


Why HTTPS and SSL are not as secure as you think

SSLIn this day and age of well-known NSA spying, everyone keeps saying that the only way to be safe is to use SSL/TLS, commonly known as “browsing with https://”.

The sad reality is that HTTPS does virtually nothing to protect you from the prying eyes of alphabet soup agencies – or anybody else with enough knowledge about how these supposedly “secure” connections actually work.

It’s true that connecting to web sites with SSL will certainly prevent “script kiddies” and other more winky opponents from eavesdropping on your surfing or otherwise interfering in your affairs. But as for the Real Bad Guys, forget it…

We shall begin by taking a brief dive down the rabbit hole of SSL, hopefully in a way that will make sense to even the least technically inclined among us.

This issue is, after all, so extremely important that I think everyone needs to understand what is really going on, and how web security actually works, without needing a PhD in cryptography, computer science, or engineering!
