Stop Razer Synapse installer from running every time

Bye-bye Razer Synapse!Razer makes some pretty nice stuff: Laptops, gaming gear, keyboards, and even some very nice webcams.

Their Kiyo Pro webcam is particular awesome.

Unfortunately, their software is nowhere near as good as their hardware.

So, you might not want Razer Synapse to install, but every time your plug in your Razer gizmo, that dang installer prompts you – EVERY SINGLE TIME.

How to make it stop?!


The quietest gaming keyboard in the entire universe!

Quietest Gaming Keyboard EVER!Despite the prevalence of touch devices these days, chances are you still have an “old fashioned” computer with a keyboard.

Many keyboards are very quiet and comfortable to type on, but they don’t last very long. Enter the Gaming Keyboard!

It’s old school durability and reliability meets modern tech.

Only trouble is, these things are SUPER noisy to type on… Or at least, they were super noisy.

Behold the world’s most silent gaming keyboard!
