12 December 2020 | How Does it Work?, Video |
We’ve heard a lot in recent years about the dangers of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse).
The power grid will go down, communications will be toasted, and some have even claimed that 90% of the population will be wiped out!
This begs the questions: How bad is it, really?
What actually happens during an EMP?
Is the threat real, or have we all been watching too many Hollywood movies?
28 January 2020 | Do-It-Yourself, Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Video |
There are quite a few smartphone cases, Faraday bags, and other little gizmos out there that claim to protect you from the phones RF waves.
A common method that people use is to line one (or both) sides of their phone case with good old aluminum foil.
So, the question is: Does tin foiling your phone really work? How much? And where exactly should you put the foil?
Watch to find out!
8 January 2019 | Gizmos, How Does it Work?, Video |
Ever since I made my Stylish Smartphone Faraday Box videos, countless people have told me to just use a microwave oven, or just use an empty potato chip bag.
Well, no… And yes! It depends.
The truth is that Faraday cages don’t block signals – they attenuate (or weaken) them.
That means that depending on the situation – the phone itself, the signal strength, the microwave oven itself, and so on – it may or may not work.
10 March 2017 | Do-It-Yourself, Gizmos, How Does it Work? |
New Version! See: A better Stylish Smartphone Faraday Box
With the release of WikiLeak’s “Year Zero” information on the CIA’s capabilities, you might be forgiven if you’re worried about your privacy.
Of course, those capabilities were always there, whether you knew about them or not.
Still, it’s a bit annoying to think that some bozo is remotely activating your smartphone’s mic to spy on your extremely dramatic dinnertime conversations.
You could buy some overly expensive “Faraday Bag” to stick your phone in when you’re not using it, but who wants an ugly black overpriced lunch bag?
Instead, just make your own Faraday Box. It’s stylish, it’s hip, and it only takes about 10 minutes to make!
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