28 September 2021 | Gizmos, Spare Me!, Video |
RAVPower was all the rage not so long ago.
They make some of the BEST USB power bricks and USB chargers that have ever existed.
Then one, day, POOF! They were gone.
What the heck happened?
Join me for a look at the glorious world of Amazonism… Amazocracy? Whatever!
19 May 2020 | Computers, Gizmos, Video |
For awhile now, we’ve been hearing rumors of anti-trust actions against the four main Big Tech companies.
Recently, the word is that actual charges will be brought starting in June of this year.
When you put all the recent stories together – along with some other interesting events involving Big Tech – it DOES look like something is finally about to happen.
But will any of it actually change anything?
It’s easy to be cynical, but I do see an opportunity here to make a difference…
31 March 2020 | Gizmos, How Does it Work? |
A recent study about smart speakers revealed that they are, in a word, crap.
The study, entitled, WHEN SPEAKERS ARE ALL EARS: Understanding when smart speakers mistakenly record conversations, revealed that these smart gizmos are very often activated by words and phrases that have little to do with anything.
Of course, that means they are recording and sending audio clips when they really shouldn’t be.
Not to worry, though – we are reassured by the researchers that it’s no big deal!
21 November 2015 | Computers |
It’s that time of year again.
You know: Black Friday, crazy people trampling each other for a TV, that kind of thing… All in the spirit of the Holiday Season, of course! 😉
If recent history is any indication, those of us who don’t much care for crowds and stampedes will do much of our shopping online, and that usually means Amazon.
But I recently ran into a problem: Clicking the “Add to Cart” button on Amazon wasn’t working! Dear god, it was horrific!
If you’re having the same problem, here’s a quick and easy fix.
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