AI is full of sh*t!

AI: Liar, liar pants on fire!AI is being pushed from every direction.

There’s only one problem: it tends to “hallucinate”.

What does that actually mean?

Well, it means that AI likes to literally make stuff up… sort of like a pathological human being.

Fun for the whole family, right?


How did this EVER work?!

The one thing no coder will ever tell you...What’s the one thing no coder wants to talk about?

Chances are, you know a few coders. They’re everywhere these days!

What you might not know is that most of them have experienced something, well, unexplained: code that works, but shouldn’t. At all.

It’s just part of many programmers’ lives. But what’s really going on here?

How is it that something that never should have worked in the first place works perfectly – sometimes, for years?!


AI’s Fatal Flaw

AIs Fatal Flaw: The REAL Danger of Artifical IntelligenceAI is all the rage.

But with the recent Gemini disaster along with a lack of truly killer applications using AI, it doesn’t seem like AI is really going anywhere.

So, is it all just hype, or what?

Join me for a look at the real danger presented by AI.

Hint: It ain’t SkyNet you need to be worried about!


Windows is dying, AI is rising, and China is… BIG

Windows 12, AI, & ChinaWindows 12 has been in the news lately.

Specifically, rumors are swirling that not only will there be a Windows 12, but it will be “AI-powered”.

Of course, this requires support preferably from Intel’s next 14th-gen processors as well as from AMD’s equivalent offerings.

That means Windows 12 will probably have even tighter hardware requirements than Windows 11, sadly…

But hang on, does anyone even use Windows anymore?!


Deepfakes: Should you be worried?

Oh no, I'm HUGE!Yes, I confess: I was actually the star of the hit 1987 film Predator.

No, not really. But these days, with deepfake software, anyone can make a video or audio clip that shows anyone else doing/saying whatever they want!

There is a lot of angst, anxiety, and worry about deepfakes – but just how dangerous are they?

Obviously, deepfakes have been made for, shall we say, “less than wholesome” purposes such as getting revenge on an ex-lover.

And there certainly is the potential for some chaos.


AI and China’s CRAZY high tech Revolution

Well, I did it again: I read a book.

This time, it was the story of China’s recent technological revolution.

If you’re wondering what’s going on over in the East in the techie arena, it’s a great read.

In short, it appears that smartphones + crazy-fast innovation have turned China into the New Silicon Valley.

And that has interesting implications for the future of AI…


Is AI really here?

We hear a lot about A.I. – artificial intelligence – these days. But is it really here?

Should you be worried about Skynet and terminators and some little punk named John having to grow up and save the world?

Not quite. At least not yet, anyway…

While so-called machine learning algorithms are insanely powerful these days, they aren’t really true AI.

Then again, we keep changing out definition of AI with every advancement in technology…
