Dirty Electricity: What it is and how to fix it

What is Dirty Electricity?While everyone is paying the most attention to wireless tech like 5G, dirty electricity is often completely overlooked.

In short, all our wondrous gizmos generate noise that couples to the human body from the electrical wiring in our homes, schools, places of work, and so on.

What effects does this dirty electricity have? Well, it ain’t pretty.

Fortunately, there are simple filters you can get that reduce the dangers from this type of noise.

Join me for a look at DE – and get clean power!


mmWave Madness: No, you’re not crazy!

mmWave Madness!Ah, 5G… It’s a mixture of new technologies, the most “interesting” being mmWave, or millimeter wave.

If you’re wondering if a particular phone actually HAS mmWave, good luck figuring it out.

Even worse, in most areas it’s darn near impossible to find out what flavor of 5G is being used: Is it mmWave, or not?!

Good luck with that one, too.

And to top it all off, it doesn’t really matter anyway because even official government bodies are really looking at 5G and EXISTING wireless tech, and starting to get worried…


The Hidden Dangers of 5G & wireless tech

5G Hidden DangersA friend recently bought a new 5G smartphone. She was worried about the ‘5G’ part especially. Two problems:

First, there is no 5G where we live, so I just turned it off.

Second, the 5G Samsung phone only supports lower frequencies than our local 4G network – IOW, no millimeter wave!

Of course, it’s about more than just frequency. In reality, it’s about way more than just the technologies involved.

There is a hidden danger to worrying TOO MUCH about the effects of our wireless wonderland…


Are you wasting your internet speed?

How WiFi and slow Ethernet can waste your internet speedMost people probably don’t even notice the actual speed of their internet connection. If it ‘goes fast’, they’re happy.

What many folks don’t realize is that they may be wasting a large chunk of their very high speed net connection.

If you use even newer flavors of WiFi, chances are you aren’t taking full advantage of the connection you’re paying for! Heck, even with Ethernet, your download speeds may be lower than you think.

So, how do you tell?


Invisible Rainbow: A history of EMFs and health

The Invisible Rainbow: EMF and HealthI finally managed to read Arthur Firstenberg’s book, The Invisible Rainbow.

The well-documented book chronicles the multitude of effects of everything from the first telegraph lines and electric lighting to modern day wireless systems. The data is plentiful and the effects are… well, not very good.

But I found myself with more questions than answers..

For example, why did 5 children get cancer at 1 school in Spain after the first digital cellular tower was turned on? What about the other schools or hospitals with antennae next to them? They were all over the world!

At the same time, it’s hard to discount the stories as just, “correlation does not equal causation”. At this point, there’s simply too much data out there to ignore it or try to explain it away.

If you’re looking for answers or solutions, this book doesn’t have any. What it does have is a fascinating look at the LONG history of the negative effects of various types of EMFs on human, plant, and animal life – over literally hundreds of years.


More ‘Big Guns’ question the safety of 5G

5G and the Precautionary PrincipleIf you’re worried that only ‘crazy people’ think that 5G may be dangerous to your health, don’t be.

Just one week ago, a new paper was published by a well-respected epidemiologist. He reviews past studies of various wireless technologies and asks quite a few interesting questions about the safety of 5G as well as current wireless tech.

In the end, his opinion is that as with a viral outbreak, it’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s nice to see more people stepping forward and expressing their concerns based on available data.

Let’s hope more people do the same!
