A REAL fix for low mic volume!

Fix Low Mic Volume for good!Connecting a mic to your PC is pretty essential for good quality sound.

So what do you do when your mic level is suddenly too low?

After going through the usual fixes for mix problems – just in case – I explain what’s probably going on with your mic and how to fix it quickly and cheaply!

This is the LAST video you need to watch to fix low mic volume!


Firefox’s new tracking and how to turn it off

Firefox Privacy Preserving AttributionWell, here we go again…

A few years ago, Google announced FLoC, which I talked about here.

In short:

Led by Google, a group of businesses and advertisers is pushing a new standard that would have your browser identifying your particular group of interests by a unique ID number.

This number will be sent to all sites you visit. VOILA! No more 3rd party cookies, and supposedly more privacy!

Fast forward three years, and Mozilla is jumping on the bandwagon with their own such technology.

So, how do you turn it off?


How to update KeePass plugins automatically

KeePass Auto-Updates!Let’s say you’re using KeePass with the KeePassOTP plugin because you read my earlier article Two-Factor Authentication without SMS or a smartphone: PART 2!

Well, aren’t you clever! 😉

The problem comes when KeePass informs you that there’s an update available for the KeePassOTP plugin…

How do you update it?!

Easy: You just repeat the installation procedure that I outlined in the above article.

But… There’s a better way!! Of course.


Why PayPal is telling you about the DigiCert Global Root G2 Chain

PayPal DigiCert Root Certificate G2 MessageIf you have a PayPal account – and especially if you’re selling anything and getting paid via PayPal – then you’ve no doubt received a strange e-mail (or ten) recently.

In short, you’re supposed to add the DigiCert Global Root G2 Chain to your “trusted store”.

Bad things will happen if you don’t!

More stuff to fix, right? Not so fast…

What’s really going on here?


UEC means Ethernet will only get better and faster

Will AI kill WiFi?You might think Ethernet is on its way out the door. After all, everyone just uses WiFi, right?

WRONG! For the past couple of years, my most popular video on YouTube has been:

No more WiFi: How to wire your house for Internet

Published in September of 2019, the video has garnered over 1.6 million views, and it’s still going strong.

Obviously, many people want Ethernet – contrary to popular belief. That’s good, because it’s only going to get better…


How to stop Windows apps from running at startup

Windows Startup AppsYou’ve tried everything: Task Manager, Startup Apps in Settings, even uninstalling some applications…

Nevertheless, that pesky app is still firing up every time you restart your Windows puter.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an EASY way to see all your startup apps and disable them in a few clicks?

There is! And it’s made by none other than Microsoft


AI’s Fatal Flaw

AIs Fatal Flaw: The REAL Danger of Artifical IntelligenceAI is all the rage.

But with the recent Gemini disaster along with a lack of truly killer applications using AI, it doesn’t seem like AI is really going anywhere.

So, is it all just hype, or what?

Join me for a look at the real danger presented by AI.

Hint: It ain’t SkyNet you need to be worried about!
