25 August 2017 | Computers |
Those of you who use Windows are probably aware of Malwarebytes, which happens to be my favorite anti-malware protection app.
Back in December, I wrote about the improvements in the software in Malwarebytes 3: You might need to manually upgrade.
What you might not have known is that Malwarebytes has been available for Mac for about 2 years now.
The trouble was that it was pretty basic…
Well, it turns out that Malwarebytes for Mac has grown up – a lot!
13 May 2017 | Computers |
By now you’ve heard about WannaCry, the ransomware that has hit over 100,000 puters in about 100 countries.
Given the way the media is talking about this, you’d think the apocalypse had begun in earnest.
In reality, you’re probably already protected – as long as you don’t do anything stupid like open a strange file attachment from someone you don’t know!
26 December 2016 | Computers |

© 2016 Malwarebytes.com
On December 8th of this year, Malwarebytes version 3.0 was released.
I saw the news, and waited for the automatic upgrade since I have the paid version.
Well, today, I realized I’m still waiting… With the holidays here, I had forgotten all about it.
If you have a license, you’ll want to upgrade ASAP since the new version has some rather nice improvements.
Not to worry: It’s pretty easy!
28 June 2015 | Computers |
For those of you who are test-driving the Windows 10 Technical Preview, you may have noticed that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware stopped working.
It won’t launch at start-up, and if you try to manually run it, you get some weird error about some memory location, blah-blah-blah, or something similar. Basically, it craps out on you.
If you try to uninstall Malwarebytes, you get the same error. If you try to install the same version – or even a newer version – you still get the same error.
Well, Malwarebytes released a newer version recently that is being sent out to users at the moment, and it addresses this problem. But autoupdating won’t work if MBAM won’t run!
So, how do you fix it?
11 April 2013 | Computers |
Oh boy, this one was a humdinger.
Of 12 computers running either Windows 7 or Windows 8, every single one of them was experiencing one of the following problems:
- Static, stuttering, and variations in playback speed when listening to MP3 or other audio files
- When typing, there would be a huge delay between when a series of characters was typed, and when they actually appeared on the screen. This happened in numerous applications, including Firefox, Word, and Thunderbird.
- YouTube videos would either not load at all, or the connection would crap out frequently and just sit there while “buffering”
- Skype! Oh boy, Skype was a real pain to use, if it worked at all
So how do you solve all these problems? It’s easy! Your turn off real-time web protection in MalwareBytes.
And if that doesn’t work, read on for more useful tips…
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