30 July 2017 | Computers, Do-It-Yourself |
Let’s say you upgrade the graphics card in your puter.
You fire it up, and it appears that Windows 10 is booting.
The hard drive light is blinking away, and you might even hear a startup sound, or you can see that your ethernet port light is blinking away madly.
Only trouble is, your screen is blank!
What to do, what to do?
29 July 2017 | Computers, How Does it Work?, Video |
You’d think that connecting an LCD screen to your puter would be straightforward. You’d be wrong! It all gets pretty confusing.
There are several types of connectors and cables, and it’s difficult to know which one to use.
Often, you can even use an adapter cable to connect one type of connector to another, like HDMI → DVI.
This video is a summary of the various details of the most popular current cable types.
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