A friend recently bought a new 5G smartphone. She was worried about the ‘5G’ part especially. Two problems:
First, there is no 5G where we live, so I just turned it off.
Second, the 5G Samsung phone only supports lower frequencies than our local 4G network – IOW, no millimeter wave!
Of course, it’s about more than just frequency. In reality, it’s about way more than just the technologies involved.
There is a hidden danger to worrying TOO MUCH about the effects of our wireless wonderland…
Stuff mentioned in the vid:
- 5G is just the tip of the iceberg
- No more WiFi: How to wire your house for Internet
- Invisible Rainbow: A history of EMFs and health
- The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor by Gerald Pollack (affiliate link)
See ya next time!
Would geometric increases in human created EMF create a secondary cosmic ray blocking “magnetosphere” or does EMF not affect cosmic rays at all. What are your thoughts on Single Event Effects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeJeoPCSpO8
I don’t think it would block cosmic rays, but it certainly alters or overwhelms the naturally-occurring fields on the planet.
I appreciate your perspectives on the issues, and am in general agreement. My question is about your gizmo with the mirror over your desk. I presume you use it to capture videos of hands on stuff you’re working on, can you give me more info on the pieces/parts? Thnx…
Well, I just bought a normal phone holder from Amazon. Then I used a metal pipe, drilled a hole thru a piece of wood, painted it all black, ET VOILA! Magic phone holder!