5G Fizzles Out...The latest news about 5G isn’t exactly flattering.

After dealing with nothing but hyped-up descriptions of the Technological Wonderland that awaited us, now even mainstream techie news seems to be all about bashing 5G instead of promoting it.

What happened??

In short, reality sunk in.

I suspect we’ll see some rather substantial evolutionary changes in wireless service instead of the revolutionary changes we’ve been promised – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing!


In other recent news, Qualcomm claims they have a new light-pole-enabled 5G mm-wave system using Ericsson equipment that extends the range up to several miles. Unfortunately, they neglected to disclose the SPEED of this long-range millimeter wave contraption!

So, I guess the hype part isn’t totally over just yet…

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That’s all, folks!

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