10+ Fixes for Common Problems in Windows 10

Windows 10 FixitWell, Windows 10 is out, and you might have already installed it.

As usual, a few things are “broken”, and there a few other things that some people will find rather different/annoying.

And as usual, it’s pretty easy to fix most of it.

For those of you who still haven’t even been able to upgrade to Windows 10, Fix #1 should take care of that problem.

Once you’re done, check out the other 9+ tips and tricks!


Windows 10: What you need to know

Windows 10In just 10 days, Microsoft will officially unveil their latest OS, Windows 10.

Windows 10 comes after the much-hated Windows 8, so many people are wondering if it’s actually worth the upgrade.

I can’t tell you if the upgrade is right for you, because I’m not sure I even have the final build as a “Windows Insider” (I have been testing Win 10 builds on my laptop as they are released for some time now).

I can tell you some simple facts that will help you make up your mind, and hopefully cut through some of the rather ridiculous hype that has popped up in recent days related to the new OS.


Fix Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on the Windows 10 Technical Preview

MBAM + Win 10 = OopsFor those of you who are test-driving the Windows 10 Technical Preview, you may have noticed that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware stopped working.

It won’t launch at start-up, and if you try to manually run it, you get some weird error about some memory location, blah-blah-blah, or something similar. Basically, it craps out on you.

If you try to uninstall Malwarebytes, you get the same error. If you try to install the same version – or even a newer version – you still get the same error.

Well, Malwarebytes released a newer version recently that is being sent out to users at the moment, and it addresses this problem. But autoupdating won’t work if MBAM won’t run!

So, how do you fix it?


Windows 10 Preview: Yes, they’re fixing everything

Windows 10 Start MenuIf you’ve been anxiously awaiting Windows 9, you’re in for a long wait. But Windows 10 will be coming next year!

You see, the official explanation is apparently that, “7 8 9” – 7 ate 9 – so Microsoft will be going straight to Windows 10. Isn’t that cute? No, because Windows 8 still sucks.

Furthermore, instead of releasing Windows 10 in April 2015, we now apparently have to wait until the end of next year. Because, ya know, taking Windows 8 and making it not suck takes way, way longer than making that much-hated “Start Screen” in Windows 8.x.

You may recall me ranting about why I left Win 8 and switched back to Windows 7.

So, the question on everybody’s mind is: Will the next version of Windows fix everything wrong with Windows 8?
