EEK! #7 – High Voltage DC is still alive!

HVDC rulez!We all know that AC won the war vs DC back in the day.

But did you know high-voltage DC is still around? What’s more, it’s actually become quite useful!

Some countries have recently installed million-volt DC power lines that span thousands of kilometers!

While HVDC has various benefits over HVAC, naturally there are also a few drawbacks.

Join me for another exciting episode of EEK!


EEK! #2 – DC vs The Magic of AC

In episode 2 of the EEK! series, we cover the basic difference between direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Why is your home powered by AC, and not DC?

Simply put, AC allows the use of transformers to step up the voltage, step down the current, and therefore bypass the little problem of too much current flowing over a thin wire.

DC cannot be easily converted in this way for efficient power transmission over long distances. There’s more to say about AC, so look for a 3-phase video soon.

Check out the video below!
