How did this EVER work?!

The one thing no coder will ever tell you...What’s the one thing no coder wants to talk about?

Chances are, you know a few coders. They’re everywhere these days!

What you might not know is that most of them have experienced something, well, unexplained: code that works, but shouldn’t. At all.

It’s just part of many programmers’ lives. But what’s really going on here?

How is it that something that never should have worked in the first place works perfectly – sometimes, for years?!


5 fun Computer Facts you probably didn’t know

5 fun Computer Facts you didn't knowAnd now it’s time for something completely different!

Computers are an integral parts of our lives now.

Sometimes, we forgot how far we’ve come in such a short time.

We also don’t usually hear the details of where some specific piece of technology came from.

So, join me for 5 Fun Computer Facts you probably didn’t know!
