Pin folders to the taskbar in Windows

Pin a folder in Windows 7This is one of those Windows tricks that you probably didn’t even know existed.

Usually, the Explorer icon is visible on the Taskbar.

That’s great for opening Explorer and navigating to whatever folder you need.

But what if you want to maintain a list of commonly-used folders without clogging up your desktop with a bunch of shortcuts?

It turns out there’s a quick and easy solution for this very problem.


Repair missing User folders in Windows 7

At some point, you’ll probably run into a problem that doesn’t seem to have an easy solution: one of your default User folders in Windows 7 (My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, My Videos, Downloads, and Desktop) will suddenly disappear.

Try as you might, you won’t be able to restore these user folders, because they are actually “special”. Windows treats them differently than a normal folder you might create yourself, and they even have pretty icons, like so:

There is a lot of info out there on how to fix these built-in Windows 7 folders, but it’s all rather complicated.

So, here’s the boiled-down, anybody-can-do-it version on how to restore your missing User folders – or so I hope!


Android: Copy everything from one device to another

My Backup Pro - SHABAM!Let’s say you get a new phone or tablet, and both are running Android. You’d like to copy everything from your old device to your new one. How do you do it?

Well, certainly there are more hardcore methods of migrating all your data. Most of these methods require “rooting” your device, and are probably a bit too involved for most people.

Of course, if you back everything up on the Google Cloud, so to speak, most things will easily transfer from one gizmo to another.

But, not everybody likes Big Brother storing everything and synchronizing it automagically. I certainly don’t!

The easiest option I have found is one you have to pay for – but at only a few dollars, it’s a fabulous deal…
