Windows Backup Failed, Part 3: Problem reading file global-messages-db.sqlite

Backups are Good!Sweet mother of pearl!!

Does Windows Backup ever work?!  Well, yes. Sort of… Sometimes…

There are many factors to consider, though, such as the phase of the moon, whether or not the groundhog saw his shadow, sunspot activity, and the extent of the “twerking” performed by the latest raunchy pop star at last night’s performance.

Which reminds me: I’m officially changing my legal name to Lord Gaga Googoo Poopoo. It’ll be a real bother though, because is kind of a long address to remember… SIGH.

But, I digress.

Once again, if you are having problems with your Windows Backup failing, check out my two earlier articles on the subject:

So, you did all that, but it’s still failing on you… And this time, the message is something about being unable to read the file “global-messages-db.sqlite”.

This one’s the easiest fix of them all!
