Activate Windows or Office when all else failsUsing Microsoft software can be quite an adventure. It’s especially fun when your previously activated copy of Windows or Office decides to de-activate itself!

Sometimes, the usual official routes of re-activation are useful. Other times, not so much…

Isn’t there a way to re-activate your legal copy of Windows EASILY?!

Why, yes, there is!

Before you watch

I should note that I include a little story illustrating quite clearly what Microsoft itself does NOT consider “piracy”. In short, if you paid for the license, they’ll re-activate it for you – always.

And frankly, that’s not surprising. Consider that MS basically gave away Win 10 and Win 11 for a long time. Obviously, licensing revenues from one little old user doesn’t concern them much.

Well, you’ll see what I mean when you watch!

Update: YT removed the video – twice.

YT took down the vid after I posted it. Then, I appealed and they put it back up. For 3 weeks. Now they took it down again and rejected the appeal. So, you’ll have to watch on another site.

Regarding the piracy issue, this activation trick is a tool. How you use it is entirely up to you. But as I explain quite clearly in the vid, I am not promoting piracy in any way. And from the multitude of comments on YT (that you can no longer see), many, MANY people had their windows de-activated for the silliest things, and they were quite grateful for this obviously entirely legal solution (in those cases).

The fact that YT is unable/unwilling to consider these blatant nuances, coupled with the fact that no other video platform has removed the video, well… you do the math.


TikTok: Re-Activate your legal Windows! FULL VID #windows #activation ♬ original sound – ScottiesTech.Info




The Goods

So there you have it. Use the script, get on with your life!

And yes, Windows updates will work, and the activation is permanent… Or at least, it’s permanent until the next time you upgrade 1 bit of hardware or install a big update.

On the other hand, you can go super-OCD and put even the Microsoft legal team to shame in your zeal by paying $199 for a retail copy of Windows that you don’t need to pay for…

Whatever floats your boat, man!

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