Are messaging apps REALLY secure?

Are messaging apps REALLY secure?

Person 1: My messenging app is more secure. Person 2: No, MINE is! Person 3: No way, I ONLY use Signal - it's the most secure! Okay, y'all are fired. What if I told you that NONE of the messaging apps you use are really, truly secure? Sound crazy? Well, it is. The...

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Brave: A browser for a post-Big Brother world?

Brave: A browser for a post-Big Brother world?

You may have heard about the new-ish web browser in town: Brave. The trouble is that it's a bit hard to wrap one's head around exactly how Brave is different - and supposedly better. Brave was created by Brave Software, a company that was founded by Brendan Eich. In...

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My results using the Q-Link – YMMV

My results using the Q-Link – YMMV

Well, the results are in: I'm keeping my Q-Link! While nothing really happened at first, I did actually notice certain improvements when using this crazy thing. I still can't explain how it works, or if it's just the placebo effect. But, whatever it's doing, it's...

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The YouTube Algorithm has changed again, and people are pissed

The YouTube Algorithm has changed again, and people are pissed

Oh dear god, make it stop... It's time once again for The Great YouTube Algorithm Tweaking! This time, that means even more nonsense, even fewer recommended videos that you actually want to watch, and just general chaos. Of course, what most people are concerned about...

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A new type of App you’re gonna LOVE!

A new type of App you’re gonna LOVE!

Until now, apps were for smartphones and tablets. But that's all about to change with PWAs: Progressive Web Apps! PWAs are a new(ish) type of app that is web-based. In other words, PWAs are literally web sites + JavaScript encapsulated in a window on whatever gizmo...

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Windows 10 1903 Update: What’s New?

Windows 10 1903 Update: What’s New?

Another new version of Windows 10! A new update to Windows 10 was released a few weeks back, and this time the roll-out seemed to be way smoother than the last version - which is nice. I got the update fairly quickly this time around, which almost never happens. The...

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Fun 5G Facts you may not know

Fun 5G Facts you may not know

It seems there are some common misconceptions out there about what 5G actually is and how it will work. I wasn't planning on another 5G video, but alas... Much of this confusion is totally understandable since info is hard to come by despite the fact that 5G and IoT...

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How to debug JavaScript on mobile devices

How to debug JavaScript on mobile devices

Ah yes, the Mobile Revolution! It's fabulous - unless you actually create web sites and other stuff that use JavaScript. In desktop web browsers, you generally get a web inspector / debug console that lets you do all kinds of fun stuff, including debugging your JS...

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EMF Protection: These Q-Link things actually work?!

EMF Protection: These Q-Link things actually work?!

Many people have asked me about the Q-Link and other similar gizmos. You're supposed to simply wear them, and they strengthen your body via "resonance" such that you are even protected from the negative effects of all kinds of EMF. Well, I used to think that was...

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Why webmail is just a really bad idea

Why webmail is just a really bad idea

I'm always amazed at how many people these days still use webmail. From Gmail to Yahoo Mail, it seems everyone enjoys the convenience of no crappy e-mail program, easily accessible e-mail from any device, and free data storage In the CloudTM. In the case of Gmail, you...

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5G rollout runs into roadblocks – Detour ahead?

5G rollout runs into roadblocks – Detour ahead?

There's a lot happening on the 5G front. From petitions, to cities temporarily halting their 5G rollout, to senate hearings, to nation-wide days of protest, things have been pretty busy! In this video, I talk about one particular petition that I think summarizes...

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Meet Herbie, the (high tech) Hedgehog!

Meet Herbie, the (high tech) Hedgehog!

70th YT vid special: We sometimes forget about the best tech around: LIFE!  Mother Nature perfected "AI" ages ago... This little dude showed up one day. He's a hedgehog. His name is Herbie. Normally, hedgehogs are nocturnal, but Herbie showed up in the middle of a...

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D’OH! Fix your add-ons in Firefox 66.0.3

D’OH! Fix your add-ons in Firefox 66.0.3

Oopsy! With Firefox version 66.0.3, you probably found that all your add-ons have disappeared. Firefox disables them and tells you that they are not compatible. Not to worry: There's a super-easy fix to get them back. And you don't have to reinstall them or...

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Jack up your Windows audio with Voicemeeter

Jack up your Windows audio with Voicemeeter

If you've ever tried to do any kind of serious audio processing on a Windows puter, you know just how crappy the basic Win audio mixer and controls are. Want to connect a digital mixer via USB to your puter? Good luck getting your recording software to work properly...

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My new favorite LED flashlight and headlamp for 2019

My new favorite LED flashlight and headlamp for 2019

As regular viewers know, I'm a huge fan of LED flashlights and headlamps. They're bright, energy efficient, and just really cool. Since my last review of LED lights is almost 2 years old, it's time for an update. You won't believe how bright these things have become!...

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AI and China’s CRAZY high tech Revolution

AI and China’s CRAZY high tech Revolution

Well, I did it again: I read a book. This time, it was the story of China's recent technological revolution. If you're wondering what's going on over in the East in the techie arena, it's a great read. In short, it appears that smartphones + crazy-fast innovation have...

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