SHORT: End-to-End Encryption Explained
Ever wondered what the big deal with end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is? There are 2 main types of encryption. One means the central server is a "man in the middle", and the other means the server is just a relay of sorts. Check out this 58-second explanation of E2EE:...

FCC + FDA on 5G: You gotta be kidding me…
The FCC recently announced that when it comes to 5G, there's nothing to worry about. They consulted with the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health and other experts, and everything is awesome! Except, it's not. Join me for another exciting look at the...

Big Tech shoots itself in the foot, vows to get therapy
This week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confused everyone (and especially himself) with a speech at Georgetown. You see, now Facebook is all about free speech. He says we need to let politicians lie on Facebook without censoring or controlling their speech in any way....

Deepfakes: Should you be worried?
Yes, I confess: I was actually the star of the hit 1987 film Predator. No, not really. But these days, with deepfake software, anyone can make a video or audio clip that shows anyone else doing/saying whatever they want! There is a lot of angst, anxiety, and worry...

HTTP/3: The internet is about to get faster for everyone
HTTP is the protocol that makes the internet go. Recently, several large tech companies announced that version three-ish of that protocol, known as HTTP/3, was ready to rock and being rolled out. Now, that's nice, but why do we care? Well, we care because the internet...

Can EMF exposure ever be GOOD for you?
You all know I'm not a big fan of wireless due to the health risks. I've also said before that resources should be devoted to making these wireless technologies safe - so that we don't have to just ditch it all! But then, the question is: Is EMF ever safe? Better yet,...

Dumbphone with KaiOS: Hang on, isn’t that a smartphone?
Last week, I published a video entitled 4G Dumbphones: Get one with KaiOS! In that vid, I talked about why KaiOS is a great OS to have on a 4G dumbphone. Quite a few people asked various questions, like: But hang on, isn't that just a smartphone disguised as a...

4G Dumbphones: Why you should get one with KaiOS
One year ago, I advised against getting a 4G dumbphone with KaiOS. I am officially reversing that recommendation! After purchasing a Nokia 8110 4G and playing with it for 1 month, I'm actually pretty speechless, and that IS rare. Despite Google's investment of $22...

Fix weird colors in Chrome in just a few clicks
If you're like most internauts these days, you use Google's Chrome web browser. You may have noticed that after a certain update, Chrome started displaying colors incorrectly. The change can be subtle, like with bright blues and purples appearing slightly "off"....

No more WiFi: How to wire your house for Internet
So you've read all the studies about our Wireless Wonderland, and you'd like to go wired. But where to even start? It turns out that wiring up your house or apartment with ethernet cables and switches is WAAAAY easier than most people think. It's literally a...

Are Big American Tech companies a dying breed?
Oh dear God, make it stop. There was a time when American Big Tech was the end-all and be-all. It seems those days are rapidly going the way of the dodo. For sure, there will be many companies that survive - and even flourish. But it's becoming painfully obvious that...

Why is my light switch popping and sparking?
One day, you flip a light switch and notice a lovely popping sound. The pop might even be accompanied by a brief blue flash of light from within the switch. What's going on here? Well, it turns out that even if the current rating of the switch has NOT been exceeded,...

Resize images in Windows 10 the super-easy way
You may have read my 2013 post entitled How to Easily Resize Images in Windows. Thanks to a comment from a reader the other day (you rock, Nick!), you don't need Windows Live Photo Gallery anymore. There's a free tool available from a Microsoft engineer that you can...

Save Money (and your Gizmo) with a new Power Brick
They're known as power bricks, wall warts, AC Adapters, AC-DC Converters, and probably 10 other names - and they power many of the gizmos you use every day. But what happens when a gizmo stops working right? You may think it's the gizmo itself, but very often it's the...

Why most video games these days suck
Back in my day, video games were simple. You typed in some cheat codes, kicked butt, and you were done. My favorite, of course, was Wolfenstein 3D. I remember playing Wolfenstein as a wee young man. There was just something about wiping out Digital Nazis that was sooo...

When it comes to Cyber Warfare, we’ve got it all wrong
Hacking, data breaches, and general cyber battles have been in the news a lot lately. I recently read a book that shed a lot of light on how these things actually work - behind the scenes. It's called Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber Warfare. Despite our...