USB: Which cable should I use?

USB: Which cable should I use?

There are more flavors of USB than ice cream. With so many gizmos, different USB cables, and chargers, how do you know which one is best? Which one gives you the fastest data transfer? More importantly, how do you charge all your devices as quickly as possible -...

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5G QnA: Why lions and chickens are different

5G QnA: Why lions and chickens are different

In this episode, I answer some questions and comments left on my various 5G videos - especially 5G is just the tip of the iceberg. Since I posted that video 2 years ago, it has received almost 6000 comments. Many are informative, supportive, and heartening. And then...

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How to install ImageMagick 7 on Ubuntu

How to install ImageMagick 7 on Ubuntu

ImageMagick is great. It allows your web app to process, resize, filter, and do all kinds of other nifty things with images. Not so long ago, ImageMagick 7 was released. One of the big new features was full support for WEBP images, the new image format from Google....

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Is Big Tech in Big Trouble? It depends…

Is Big Tech in Big Trouble? It depends…

For awhile now, we've been hearing rumors of anti-trust actions against the four main Big Tech companies. Recently, the word is that actual charges will be brought starting in June of this year. When you put all the recent stories together - along with some other...

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5 fun Computer Facts you probably didn’t know

5 fun Computer Facts you probably didn’t know

And now it's time for something completely different! Computers are an integral parts of our lives now. Sometimes, we forgot how far we've come in such a short time. We also don't usually hear the details of where some specific piece of technology came from. So, join...

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How to fix a Read-Only drive in Windows

How to fix a Read-Only drive in Windows

There you are, minding your own business... Maybe you just installed a Windows 10 update. Maybe you just had to run a disk check that asked you to reboot. Maybe you didn't really do anything out of the ordinary at all. Whatever the case, things go kaflooey. All of a...

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Even your APPS are invading your privacy!

Even your APPS are invading your privacy!

As regular readers know, I'm not a big fan of the traditional smartphone craze. Sure, they're really handy gizmos, but the amount of data being hoovered up and shipped off to large service providers is a bit frustrating. As if things aren't bad enough on that front,...

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5G or Virus? The data speaks for itself

5G or Virus? The data speaks for itself

Given the current global situation with the virus lock down, we are all looking for answers. Some people have suggested that 5G systems are causing the symptoms of Covid-19. But does that really fit the data? It turns out that we can easily find several rather large...

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How do Quick Chargers actually work? Magic!

How do Quick Chargers actually work? Magic!

Quick charging is all the rage these days. We all want our smartphones and tablets to charge REALLY quickly via plain old USB cables. But how do quick chargers actually work? After all, USB itself is limited in terms of the power that it can provide... Tune in and...

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All the smartphone features, none of the Google!

All the smartphone features, none of the Google!

I've been using dumbphones for awhile now, but I started to miss some smartphone features. Then a friend of mine mentioned LineageOS again. I decided to take the plunge... And I'm glad I did! It IS possible to have a relatively private smartphone without all the...

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EEK! #7 – High Voltage DC is still alive!

EEK! #7 – High Voltage DC is still alive!

We all know that AC won the war vs DC back in the day. But did you know high-voltage DC is still around? What's more, it's actually become quite useful! Some countries have recently installed million-volt DC power lines that span thousands of kilometers! While HVDC...

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Mac malware surged in 2019 – true or false?

Mac malware surged in 2019 – true or false?

Macs were in the news again this week as Malwarebytes released a report claiming that for the first time ever, malware on Macs outpaced that of Windows-based PCs in 2019. It sounds like a total nightmare for Apple users! But hang on a sec... Malwarebytes released the...

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