Why electric vehicles burn so well
Electric cars, e-bikes, e-scooters: they all use lithium-based batteries, and they all seem to burn very well. While many agencies and officials claim traditional cars are at higher risk of bursting into flames, we don't seem to hear so much about them in the news....

Dark Welder 2: My DIY battery tab spot welder
After the failure of my $16 battery tab spot welder, I saw Kevin Dark's DIY version. But it wasn't exactly what I needed, so I decided to build a modified version. The Modified Dark Welder, or Dark Welder 2.0, has a foot switch that triggers a precise welding current...

How to get more speed from your USB drives
Just how fast is USB 3? There seems to be a bit of confusion out there about how fast USB 3.x devices can actually go - as well as how to actually obtain those blistering-fast transfer rates. That's not surprising since what should be a pretty simple topic is actually...

5G loses steam, but what’s next?
The latest news about 5G isn't exactly flattering. After dealing with nothing but hyped-up descriptions of the Technological Wonderland that awaited us, now even mainstream techie news seems to be all about bashing 5G instead of promoting it. What happened?? In short,...

Thunderbird 78: Change is in the air, but don’t panic!
So there I was, reading my e-mail the other day, when I received an upgrade notice from Thunderbird. Great! Maybe they'll fix things... So I upgraded. Welcome to Thunderbird 78, where everything has changed! Well, sort of... My add-ons no longer worked, the folder...

The $16 battery tab spot welder
I've been looking for a cheap battery tab spot welder for 18650 lithium-ion cells for awhile now. The usual ones just aren't worth the cost. For example, for half the cost of a welder, I could buy at least 2 brand new power tool battery packs. Enter the $16.99...

Is Windows 10 2004 defragging your SSD to death?
The word on the street is that the latest version of Windows 10, version 2004, contains a bug that over-defrags SSDs. While common "wisdom" is that SSDs don't need to be defragged, the truth is that they sort of need it. Okay then! So, the question then is: Will Win...

Are injectable tracking devices even possible?
We often hear lately about nefarious plans involving injectable tracking devices... But is such a thing even possible? Given the current state of technology, would such a thing even work? Better yet, HOW would it work? After all, it's a long way from contactless...

Why you don’t want a Wireless Charger
Wireless charging is all the rage these days. Unfortunately, it's not quite up to par. It turns out that most chargers are actually wasting tons of electricity - and they're not exactly easy to use, either. Join for me for a look at yet another wireless technology...

Windows 10 2004 Update: More new stuff, and more of the same
Windows 10 2004, called the Windows 10 May Update, was released eons ago. Despite the fact that this version was tested for ages, it still managed to cause various headaches for many users. That's why you probably don't have it yet - but you will soon! So, what's...

Fix Windows Activation failed due to Software Protection Service error code 0xc0000022
With Windows Activation, the fun never ends! Recently I reset a laptop with OEM Windows 10 Home for a friend. All I did was use the built-in Win 10 "factory reset" that should have wiped everything, reinstalled Win 10, and then reactivated just fine. Alas, that's not...

No more WiFi, Part 4: Wire and test your house network
This video is a continuation of Part 3!! What happens if you want to set up a home network, but you already have existing Ethernet cabling and wall jacks? While it may seem simple, it turns out that you need to do some investigation first. In Part 1 of this video, I...

No more WiFi, Part 3: All about existing house wiring
What happens if you want to set up a home network, but you already have existing Ethernet cabling and wall jacks? While it may seem simple, it turns out that you need to do some investigation first. In this video, I describe the different types of patch panels you may...

Can Shungite protect you from EMFs?
Shungite is a stone that many people use to protect themselves from EMFs such as WiFi, 5G, and so on. But does it really work? Well, it turns out that most of the information available on the internet appears to be dead wrong! I do a few simple tests in this video to...

Fix stunnel “Bad magic at ssl.c” error / crash on Ubuntu
Ubuntu server 18.04 LTS is a rather popular linux OS for servers. Unfortunately, it doesn't come without its problems. For example, the current version of stunnel - an SSL tunnel - is woefully outdated. It seems that although Canonical is aware of the problem, they...

Is 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet better than WiFi 6E?
First of all, it's finally happened: 2.5 Gbps Ethernet is HERE! It's already rolling out, and consumer-grade 2.5 gig switches will arrive shortly. The other big news is the unveiling of WiFi 6E. A new flavor of WiFi 6, the 6E variant adds the 6GHz radio band and...