Watch me on TikTok!
Well, I've finally done it: I created a TikTok account! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Stay tuned as well for new long-form videos, and quite possibly other new and exciting content, merch, and God knows what else... All that and more, coming soon!!!...

Protect your Privacy in Windows 10
Oh, boy. It seems that everybody is up in arms about the diabolical new Windows 10 features that - by default - share quite a bit of private data with Microsoft. This revelation was coupled with a new Privacy Policy released by Microsoft on 1 August 2015. I've read...

10+ Fixes for Common Problems in Windows 10
Well, Windows 10 is out, and you might have already installed it. As usual, a few things are "broken", and there a few other things that some people will find rather different/annoying. And as usual, it's pretty easy to fix most of it. For those of you who still...

The Best Antivirus and Anti-Malware protection for Windows in 2015
If you have Windows, you probably have some kind of anti-virus or anti-malware software installed. If you purchased your computer instead of building it yourself, your system will most likely have come pre-installed with McAfee or some other product. Well, everybody...

Windows 10: What you need to know
In just 10 days, Microsoft will officially unveil their latest OS, Windows 10. Windows 10 comes after the much-hated Windows 8, so many people are wondering if it's actually worth the upgrade. I can't tell you if the upgrade is right for you, because I'm not sure I...

Stop Google Analytics Referral Spam
If you have a web site, you're probably using Google Analytics to track traffic to your site. Overall, Google Analytics is pretty cool. In fact, for most people, it's too cool. It does a whole lot, but that means it's rather complicated for the average user to set up...

Fix Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on the Windows 10 Technical Preview
For those of you who are test-driving the Windows 10 Technical Preview, you may have noticed that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware stopped working. It won't launch at start-up, and if you try to manually run it, you get some weird error about some memory location,...

Lithium Polymer vs Lithium-Ion batteries: What’s the deal?
If you've got any kind of gizmo - laptop, tablet, e-book reader, cell phone, MP3 player, cordless screwdriver or drill, etc. - then you're using lithium-ion batteries all the time. Lithium-ion batteries, often abbreviated as Li-ion, are extremely common these days....

Cheap Laptop Parts: Repair your laptop and save a bundle
Let's say you've got an aging laptop. It doesn't exactly run like new any more. Maybe the battery is a bit weak even on a full charge, or perhaps the fan makes a lot of noise even after you cleaned it out. Traditionally, you'd have to pay a pretty penny for new laptop...

How to become a Genius in 3 Easy Steps
What would you say if I told you that you could become a technical genius in just 3 Easy Steps? Sound too good to be true? It does, but this is one goal that you can reach with a minimal amount of time and energy. There's no restrictive diet, no toxic chemicals, no...

Understanding Embed Codes
You have probably encountered embed codes before, but they may seem like a bit of a mystery. An embed code is, in short, a bit of HTML that allows you to embed part of another web site on your own - like a YouTube video, for example. Embed codes come in two general...

Erase your Google Search History and make Google more Privacy-Friendly
Everybody uses Google these days for all kinds of things. If it isn't search, it's Google Maps, plotting the fastest route to your vacation destination, checking the weather, or letting your Android phone track your every movement to make Google Now services "useful"....

How to Block Apple Bonjour on your Local Network
Bonjour is Apple's way of doing zero-configuration networking. It's a bit of software that does three things: Service discovery on the local network (LAN) IP address assignment/sharing Hostname resolution Normally, things like IP address assignment are handled by...

How to Easily Resize and Crop a Single Image in Windows
Note: For resizing and posting or e-mailing many images at once, see: How to Easily Resize Images in Windows There is another little problem I see a lot: How does one resize and/or crop an image to a specific custom pixel size in order to post it online somewhere, or...

I shared a link on Facebook, but no image shows up
Ah, yes. Facebook and images! You know the drill: You share a link, and you expect that an image from the page you shared will show up. But, it doesn't. This is especially true if you're sharing a link from a lesser-known site, like perhaps your own blog or online...

Browser Fingerprints: What they are, how they work, and what it means to you
You may have heard of browser fingerprinting and its security implications. Then again, maybe not. In either case, you probably haven't heard the whole story. A browser fingerprint is when, by visiting a web site, that site can generate an ID (or fingerprint) that is...