How to fix low mic volume on MSI and other PCs

How to fix low mic volume on MSI and other PCs

My wife's MSI GE75 Raider 10SE laptop recently had a quirky audio issue: the mic volume was really, really low. It didn't matter if she used the integrated mic, or an external one. I set out to solve the problem, and determined that it wasn't faulty hardware. Instead,...

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How to fix File History backup errors in Windows 10

How to fix File History backup errors in Windows 10

File History is pretty cool. It allows you to automatically and incrementally backup all your files. That means smaller backup sizes, easy restore if your puter crashes, and it's literally 'set it and forget it'. The trouble is that File History likes to crash - it...

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Fluorescent to LED conversion made easy!

Fluorescent to LED conversion made easy!

Most lighting these days uses LEDs. They're super-low power, provide good light, and last a long time. But you probably still have some fluorescent lights left. If you're like most people, you haven't quite gotten around to replacing them with LED tubes. You really...

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Invisible Rainbow: A history of EMFs and health

Invisible Rainbow: A history of EMFs and health

I finally managed to read Arthur Firstenberg's book, The Invisible Rainbow. The well-documented book chronicles the multitude of effects of everything from the first telegraph lines and electric lighting to modern day wireless systems. The data is plentiful and the...

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More ‘Big Guns’ question the safety of 5G

More ‘Big Guns’ question the safety of 5G

If you're worried that only 'crazy people' think that 5G may be dangerous to your health, don't be. Just one week ago, a new paper was published by a well-respected epidemiologist. He reviews past studies of various wireless technologies and asks quite a few...

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Deep Freezers use WAY less energy than you think

Deep Freezers use WAY less energy than you think

Given the state of the world, you could be forgiven for planning ahead with things like back-up power and a method of preserving food. Deep freezers - or chest freezers - are great for storing large amounts of food for a long time. But how much juice do they really...

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How to view HEIF and HEIC image files in Windows 10

How to view HEIF and HEIC image files in Windows 10

So there you are, trying to view holiday photos and video from friends and family. The files in question have the extension HEIF or HEIC, which you've never seen before. No matter what you do, they just won't open. They also don't have a thumbnail preview in Explorer....

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Which CPU is best? Hold on to your hats!

Which CPU is best? Hold on to your hats!

2020 has been a crap year all around, but the battle of the fastest processor has been pretty interesting. AMD is rising, Intel seems to be falling, and Apple recently switched to their own home-grown ARM-based chips. So, which is best? Which CPU is the fastest? As...

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What REALLY happens during an EMP?

What REALLY happens during an EMP?

We've heard a lot in recent years about the dangers of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). The power grid will go down, communications will be toasted, and some have even claimed that 90% of the population will be wiped out! This begs the questions: How bad is it, really?...

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The Truth about 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)

The Truth about 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)

It's everywhere these days: 2FA (two-factor authentication). More and more, you must use something more than just a password to secure your online accounts. Some sites, like PayPal, are apparently requiring 2FA for everyone. So, what types of 2FA are there? Do you...

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How to fix “WMVCore.DLL is missing” error

How to fix “WMVCore.DLL is missing” error

Upon upgrading Windows 10, you may get a lovely error about WMVCore.dll being missing. Alternatively, you may get the same error when trying to load a particular program. The short version is that WMVCore.dll is a key component of the Windows Media Library. It's a...

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How to fix tech problems without a baseball bat

How to fix tech problems without a baseball bat

Everyone has annoying technical problems. It's just part of Computerized Everything these days. Usually, we tend to become aggravated when these problems occur... But what if we didn't have to? What if you could solve your own techie issues with a minimum amount of...

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Windows 10 20H2: A very minor update

Windows 10 20H2: A very minor update

Yet another new 'version' of Windows 10! This time, they're calling it 20H2 (as in 2nd half of 2020) instead of 2010 (as in October 2020). I guess the old numbering scheme was getting a bit tiresome since 2004 and 2010 make it sound like the new Windows 10 is already...

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Two-Factor Authentication without SMS or a smartphone

Two-Factor Authentication without SMS or a smartphone

February 2024: Authy for desktop is dying! See here for an updated solution! These days, 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) is all the rage. Instead of securing your account with only a password, you have to enter a password and a secret code... But where to get this...

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Get your Scottie’s Tech.Info vids on LBRY!

Get your Scottie’s Tech.Info vids on LBRY!

Due to popular demand, I finally imported all my vids to You can find me here: I will still be publishing new vids on YouTube, but for any "controversial" topics, LBRY may be the only place you'll be able to see that content...

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FAST Power Bank: No more 2-day recharge times!

FAST Power Bank: No more 2-day recharge times!

Power banks, portable USB chargers, battery banks... Whatever you want to call them, they're very handy for charging your gizmos on the go. The only trouble is that almost all of them take AGES to recharge themselves. Even though many models support Quick Charging of...

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