AI, Green Energy, & The Science Problem

AI, Green Energy, & The Science Problem

While most people were distracted by China’s new flavors of AI, something even bigger was happening. China’s EAST experimental fusion reactor ran at temps 6X hotter than sun’s core for almost 18 whole minutes, doubling its previous record. Well, who cares?? You do!...

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Explorer STILL won’t refresh? Use Brute Force…

Explorer STILL won’t refresh? Use Brute Force…

One year ago, I said this: "If you’re having trouble with files/folders not appearing until you refresh the folder view with a tap on F5, then you’ve been hit by the dreaded Explorer Doesn’t Refresh Automatically bug Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to fix. Behold: Three...

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How to Activate Windows or Office permanently in 30 seconds

How to Activate Windows or Office permanently in 30 seconds

Using Microsoft software can be quite an adventure. It's especially fun when your previously activated copy of Windows or Office decides to de-activate itself! Sometimes, the usual official routes of re-activation are useful. Other times, not so much... Isn't there a...

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AI is full of sh*t!

AI is full of sh*t!

AI is being pushed from every direction. There's only one problem: it tends to "hallucinate". What does that actually mean? Well, it means that AI likes to literally make stuff up... sort of like a pathological human being. Fun for the whole family, right? YouTube:...

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Thunderbird 128 Nebula: Better than ever!

Thunderbird 128 Nebula: Better than ever!

About a month ago, Thunderbird 128: Nebula was released! I know, I didn't know about it either. I just finally got it automagically last week. Chances are, so did the rest of you - after the Tbird team fixed all the bugs. In any case, Thunderbird 128 looks the same,...

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Artificial Stupidity: Your amazing AI future

Artificial Stupidity: Your amazing AI future

When you imagine your future with the amazing technology of AI, chances are it doesn't look like what's happening today. In fact, it's not even close. If you're sick of hearing about AI while lamenting the lack of actual, cool uses for it, you're not alone. On top of...

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A REAL fix for low mic volume!

A REAL fix for low mic volume!

Connecting a mic to your PC is pretty essential for good quality sound. So what do you do when your mic level is suddenly too low? After going through the usual fixes for mix problems - just in case - I explain what's probably going on with your mic and how to fix it...

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SHORT: Missing boot drive

SHORT: Missing boot drive

You finally upgrade your motherboard and processor, but you can’t boot. In fact, you can’t even see your harddrive in the BIOS or the OS installer. What the heck is going on? Well, the explanation gets hairy… But thankfully, there are two solutions, and one of them is...

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SHORT: CrowdStrike has a secret…

SHORT: CrowdStrike has a secret…

In addition to global IT outages, CrowdStrike is involved in political nonsense. Surprise, surprise... I'll give you a hint: Russia, Russia, Russia!!! Another hint: Orange Man Bad! In less than a minute: You can watch the...

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Global IT Outage: What it means for you

Global IT Outage: What it means for you

The global IT outage on Friday, July 19th 2024 was a humdinger. We're told it's nothing to worry about, but what's really going on? I'm afraid the rabbit hole goes a bit deeper than you think. Join me for a look at the Crowdstrike "bug" and what it means for you......

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Firefox’s new tracking and how to turn it off

Firefox’s new tracking and how to turn it off

Well, here we go again... A few years ago, Google announced FLoC, which I talked about here. In short: Led by Google, a group of businesses and advertisers is pushing a new standard that would have your browser identifying your particular group of interests by a...

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Watch me on TikTok!

Watch me on TikTok!

Well, I've finally done it: I created a TikTok account! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Stay tuned as well for new long-form videos, and quite possibly other new and exciting content, merch, and God knows what else... All that and more, coming soon!!!...

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How to update KeePass plugins automatically

How to update KeePass plugins automatically

Let's say you're using KeePass with the KeePassOTP plugin because you read my earlier article Two-Factor Authentication without SMS or a smartphone: PART 2! Well, aren't you clever! 😉 The problem comes when KeePass informs you that there's an update available for the...

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Your WiFi is spying on you – and it’s about to get worse

Your WiFi is spying on you – and it’s about to get worse

A company in Taiwan recently presented a developing WiFi tech that can be used to monitor your location, heart rate, breathing patterns, sleep cycles, and much more. The company's techie bossman, Doctor Tzi-cker Chiueh, claimed that, "Channel state in modern Wi-Fi is...

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