Wireless Trolls: How to win against electrosmog naysayers

You know the drill: you try to tell someone about some study showing the health effects of WiFi, 5G, or whatever, and then it hits…

Maybe they come back with one of several standard cop-outs, maybe you’re called crazy, maybe they ask what happened to your tinfoil hat, or maybe they even get angry and abusive!

So, what to do?

In this video, I give some tips and tricks and information that hopefully you will find useful in spreading the word.


The Internet of Things and 5G: It’s all BONKERS!

Ah yes, the IoT, or Internet of Things.

The future is apparently filled with internet-connected everything, including dust (yes, dust).

We’re already seeing the beginnings of this brave new world, mostly in the form of smart thermostats, smart appliances, and things like Amazon’s Echo toys.

Part of this future IoT is 5G. As I mentioned in an earlier video, there is a fair amount of evidence in the form of numerous studies that 5G will be particularly bad for our health. As you’ll see, even physicists have jumped on board to sound the alarm.

And finally, a discussion of the 5G Internet of Things wouldn’t be complete without a reintroduction to everyone’s favorite forgotten topic: spycraft!


How to choose a dumbphone: It ain’t easy!

If you decide to ditch your smartphone, then you have to pick the right dumbphone.

“You must choose, but choose wisely.”

There are many factors that come into play, like where you live and what wireless provider you’re using.

But it gets way more complicated than that…

2G, 3G, or 4G? And then, will 2G be around much longer with the release of 5G? What about 3G networks? How long will 3G be sticking around?

And then we have 4G dumbphones: There aren’t very many (at all), and they aren’t as Google-free as we might hope. SIGH


What you can do about 5G, WiFi, etc.

In my last vid, 5G is just the tip of the iceberg, I talked about a bunch of recent studies showing that all this crazy wireless stuff is having negative effects on our health.

Naturally, the question on everyone’s mind is: What can we do about it?!

Well, minimizing your exposure is probably a wise idea. There are all kinds of fun ways you can do that.

And second, you should speak your mind. Share on social media, talk to your friends and family, show them the studies, sign petitions…

Ya know: Don’t assume that you are powerless!


Are WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G, and 5G bad for you? Hold on to your hats…

5G is coming, and people are worried. Well, should we be?

To answer that question, we need to know what studies have been done on the safety of microwave-frequency digital radio transmissions.

We need to look at WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G, and 4G studies, as well!

After all, much of the concern about 5G is based on the results of those studies.

It turns out that there ARE a ton of studies out there that indicate that yes, it looks bad.
