You’re using your A/C WRONG!

You're using your A/C WRONG!!Common wisdom dictates that you’re supposed to use your air conditioning in a certain way.

Let it warm up during the day or when you’re not at home. If you’re really hot, turn it way, WAY down and it’ll magically cool faster!

How you use your A/C depends on who you listen to…  And on that front, you probably want to listen to the people who design, install, and maintain A/C.

Because while scientific theories are great, practical realities back down here on Earth are better!


Why do microwave ovens use 2.4 GHz like WiFi and Bluetooth?

Why Microwave Ovens use 2.4 GHzMicrowave ovens that you use to cook food operate at a frequency of  2.45 GHz.

This is the same radio band where one finds WiFi, Bluetooth, and so on.

So, why is everything lumped into this one chunk of the frequency spectrum? Is there something particularly magical about 2.4 GHz?

It turns out that there is a common misconception about this frequency and water.

The truth, however, is far more mundane…


Deep Freezers use WAY less energy than you think

How much power do Deep Freezers actually use?Given the state of the world, you could be forgiven for planning ahead with things like back-up power and a method of preserving food.

Deep freezers – or chest freezers – are great for storing large amounts of food for a long time.

But how much juice do they really use?

If you’re running on the back-up power of a generator, for example, will the deep freezer suck too much electricity?

It turns out the answer will surprise you!


Can Shungite protect you from EMFs?

Does Shungite absorb 5G?Shungite is a stone that many people use to protect themselves from EMFs such as WiFi, 5G, and so on. But does it really work?

Well, it turns out that most of the information available on the internet appears to be dead wrong!

I do a few simple tests in this video to show that no, shungite does not appear to absorb EMFs – it reflects or partially blocks them only when it’s directly between the antenna and your body.

Well, okay, but there are still tons of people who swear by it! What’s going on here?

Should you keep using your shungite?


The Power Problem with Electric Vehicles

EV Power ProblemThese days, it’s all about Going Green. And what could be more green than an electric car?

Zero emissions, baby! Well, sort of…

While the acceleration may be awesome, the range leaves something to be desired. And range is directly related to power – specifically, the available power from a battery pack.

What’s more, the power to charge the battery has to come from somewhere, and that “somewhere” is the electric grid. So what happens if all of a sudden, everyone gets an electric car?

Well, in many places, it wouldn’t be pretty. Some regions would need to DOUBLE their current grid capacity. And all that extra juice has to come from somewhere… and it ain’t coming from solar or wind power!


Can EMF exposure ever be GOOD for you?

Good EMFs?!You all know I’m not a big fan of wireless due to the health risks.

I’ve also said before that resources should be devoted to making these wireless technologies safe – so that we don’t have to just ditch it all!

But then, the question is: Is EMF ever safe?

Better yet, are there examples of EMF / radio frequency energy being used to possibly even HEAL people?

It turns out, there are! And it’s all pretty interesting…


Lightning surge protection that works

Most of us have “surge protector” power strips. They are supposed to protect against power line surges due to lightning and certain power line faults.

But do they?

Well, yes… To a small degree.

But if you want some serious protection, you need a whole-house surge protector.

From a brief intro to lightning, to how surge protectors work and how to install them safely, this episode has everything you really need to know…


EEK! #6 – AC Power, RMS, and VA vs W

You probably do this all the time, but you don’t even know it.

I’m talking about AC power calculations with P = V x I.

Technically, it works. But when you think about it, it shouldn’t. AC has constantly changing voltage and current over time – unlike DC.

So how on earth does it work?

Well, the short version is: RMS, or root mean square!


Smart Meters are worse than you think

I recently learned the hard way what’s happening with smart meters in Europe. The same type of smart meter they’re using here in France has already been deployed in many EU countries.

Mostly, we hear only about the negative health effects of wireless smart meters, but the ones here only send data back over the power lines.

Nevertheless, it turns out smart meters here are still being used to pretty much screw many over.

In short, smart meters may mean less juice to power stuff, and more frequent main breaker trips as people exceed their (now reduced) capacity.
