Screenshots in Windows, the easy way

Fancy Print Screen TricksYou may have read my earlier post, Capture Part of your Screen in Windows: Behold the Snipping Tool!. The Snipping Tool in Windows is very handy.

But, sometimes you just want a quick and easy way to grab a screenshot.

As I mentioned in my previous post, you can just press the PrtScn (print screen) button on your keyboard, and that will copy your entire screen (or all of your screens in a multi-monitor arrangement) onto your clipboard. Paste into your graphics editing program, and you’re done.

That’s nice, but there are two other keyboard shortcuts in Windows that make things even easier…


Insect bite relief that actually works

Bug Bite relief that works!You know the drill: Hang around outside, get bitten or stung by various insects, and then itch like crazy for several days.

Try different remedies, some of them work for awhile, some of them don’t…

Every year, it’s the same old thing.

Not anymore! There’s a “new” insect bite treatment in town that really works.


How does password authentication work on web sites?

Ashley Madison HackedI recently read an article about the Ashley Madison hack. For those of you who aren’t into cheating on your spouse, Ashley Madison is a web site where you can sign up and meet up with other lovely people in order to have an affair.

Anyway, they were recently hacked. More than 11 million passwords were obtained, and the reason why made me fall off my chair.

In short, the users’ usernames + passwords were stored in the site’s database in an MD5 hash – along side a BCrypt hash of the user’s password.

Well, what does all this mean to you?


Another privacy fix, this time for Windows 7, 8, and 10

Enhance Your Privacy in WindowsSo, you’ve avoided installing Windows 10 because you heard how Microsoft is gobbling up lots of data from your puter.

Well, bad news: Even if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8, there was an update in May 2015 that installed the Diagnostics Tracking Service that first appeared in beta versions of – you guessed it – Windows 10!

Fortunately, you can easily turn this “feature” off no matter which version of Windows you’re using.

So, what is it, and how do you kill it?
