Squeezing a Bit More Life out of that Clunky Old VCR | Scottie's Tech.Info
Let's face it: in this dawning age of high-definition video, a good old fashioned VHS tape seems rather, well, ancient. Nevertheless, a lot of people have movies on VHS that they can't get on DVD. And sometimes, there's even a bit of nostalgia attached to certain video cassettes. It has become more and more difficult to find an inexpensive VCR that doesn't include a DVD player as well. If you already have a DVD player and you want to save some money (also important in this day and age!), you may find yourself out of luck. VCR repair is also a dying occupation. So if you can't buy a new VCR, and you can't get your current one repaired, what do you do? Why, you open your current VCR up and fix 'er yourself!